Workers Speak
Friday, May 27
10 am - 3pm - Sex workers only
3-6 PM
SOMArts Cultural Center
934 Brannan St
415-671-6117 |
Advance Tickets:http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/176491
Price: Suggested donations $5-$50 (No One Turned Away for Lack of Funds)
Sex Workers Speak brings a series of workshops for sex workers, our friends,
families, advocates and allies. Some of the workshops are specifically
developed for sex workers (current or former), and some of the workshops
will also be open to the public. General public welcomed and encouraged
to come after 3pm. Current and former sex workers invited all day starting
at 10am.
In addition to Fridays sessions, on Monday, May 23rd, from 6p-10p we
will be offering a webcam workshop that will include a short photo shoot
with professional photographers (for advertising, so bring something
sexy to wear) at a separate location. Space is limited. Email sexworkerfest@gmail.com
Workshop Schedule:
Are Not The Enemy
(sex workers only)
Sabrina Morgan
navigating client boundaries stress you out? Would you like to find clients
that don't leave you feeling drained? Do you connect well with your clients,
but feel that it leads to tricky situations? This session will cover
techniques for more rewarding work relationships between sex workers
and clients, including focusing on opening up connections during sessions,
dealing with difficult clients, managing
boundaries, and how to use your marketing to choose your clients
and reduce burnout.
Meet The Neighbors
(sex workers only)
is a male focused workshop where male sex workers (past and present)
meet each other and tell each other stories in a one on one way. We will
take topics and break into diads and small groups, learn some active
listening skills, learn how to integrate those with our clients, and
build some friendships with other guys in the industry.
Lunch provided by the Sex Worker Film and Arts Festival
Sex Workers Sharing Strategies for Successful Relationships (and Hot Sex, too)
(sex workers only)
Lusty Day
This session is a discussion among sex workers on how to negotiate and find love and happiness with sweeties, partners, and lovers in the face of stigma against our work. Share heartache, learn from others successes, and have the opportunity to contribute a piece of advice to the Every Ho I Know Says So video project.
Elephant in the Room: Sex work in the age of HIV
(sex workers only)
Cyd Nova
This will be a space for poz sex workers, sex workers who work with poz
clients and all people who want to talk about how they negotiate HIV
in their sex work. Some subjects will be talking about will be: *Criminalization
of HIV and felony charges for poz workers, *Negotiating condom usage
and status sharing, *Talking about HIV in phobic communities, *Barebacking
and harm reduction, *Confidentiality and online advertising, This is
not meant as a support group but rather an environment where people can
talk about what is going on in their lives around workingand HIV, share
information, and be in a poz friendly, non-judgmental space.
Green & Sexy!!
(open to the public)
- Ecosex For Whores w/Annie
Sprinkle Ph.D.
- Plant Medicine w/Tara
ECOSEX FOR WHORES - Sex workers are quickly catching on that ecosex is the next big thing. Learn how ecosex strategies can be a win-win for you, your clients and the Earth-- and make you more green-backs too. Annie Sprinkle, an ecosex movement mover and shaker, will present a slide show, which explores the landscape of this satisfying new sexual identity. Learn about erotic environmentalists, green porn, and nature fetishes such as arboreal frottage, wind play, and mysophilia. Consider eco-sensual massage, discounts for clients on bikes, and reach a whole new client base. As Annie shifts the metaphor from “Earth as mother” to “Earth as lover” you will discover how to find your e-spot and realize you are ecosexual too. After all, whoring IS a green job!This workshop will be
combined with -
PLANT MEDICINE Many of us don't have health insurance,
which can make it hard to get even basic health care. Until a couple
hundred years ago, health care was freely available to everyone. Mothers,
sisters, and friends knew which plants to use to heal and to prevent
illness. These plants still grow around us today, free for anyone with
access to a place where plants grow. Come learn how to use common everyday
plants to maintain your health.
Feminists and Human Rights Activists Don't Buy Ashton: How Irrational
Panic over 'Modern Day Slavery' Harms Women
(open to the public)
This workshop
examines "facts" presented by the U.S. anti-trafficking groups
and activists, and how they have distorted our conversations about human
trafficking and prostitution, harming women, sex workers, immigrants,
people of color, and others. The presenter is a sex worker activist and
a member of the recently formed national collective of sex workers of
color and indigenous sex workers resisting state violence, which is an
affiliate of Incite! Women of Color Against Violence.
Sex Workers and Social Justice
(open to the public)
Major and Cris Sardina
This workshop will begin with the history of the social justice work
by San Francisco's own Miss Major, long time activist, who participated
in the original Stonewall Rebellion, who currently directs the The Transgender,
Gender Variant & Intersex (TGI) Justice Project. Joined by Cristine
Sardina formely of WREN, Women's Re-Entry Network, and a long time prisoner
rights activist, now a sex worker rights movement leader.
Informed by the ongoing work of the speakers, attendees are invited to
consider the intersection of the sex workers movement and social justice
framework. How do these emphases intersect? How has the sex workers movement
reflected broad social justice issues. What can sex workers bring to
a social justice framework? What does our movement need to learn? What
are the Iimpediments to diverse leadership regarding race, class, gender
identity and other discriminations, in the struggle for sex workers rights.
proud sex worker/blogger since 2006, Sabrina Morgan began as a phone
sex operator and later branched into webcam, porn, and fetish escort
work. She has moderated/presented at Sex 2.0 (2009 & 2010) and Momentum
(2011) on sex work-related topics such as "Customer Relations for
Sex Workers" and "How to (Successfully) Date a Sex Worker"
and appeared as a panelist on "Blogging the Gap: How Sex Workers
and Sex Writers Can Work Together." Sabrina served as the sex worker
liaison for Momentum's inaugral year. A strong believer in continuing
education for sex workers, she is a Kink Academy instructor (and student!)
and provides training for sex workers both one-on-one and via distance
Kirk Read
is the author of "How I Learned to Snap". His forthcoming second
book is a collection of essays called "This is the Thing."
He cohosts two open mic events called K'vetsh and Smack Dab. He has hosted
several hundred literary events in the Bay Area and has toured the United
States a number of times as a solo performer and as part of the Sex Workers
Art Show. He is a touring storyteller, performance artist, teacher, HIV
counselor and phlebotomist. He worked for a number of years at the St.
James Infirmary, a free clinic for sex workers.
Cyd Nova
is the Harm Reduction and STRIDE program coordinator at Saint James Infirmary.
He has been a sex worker for many a year in two countries with a stint
in almost every mutation of the industry. He currently work as
a counselor at a peer based holistic health care clinic for current and
former sex workers. He is also a writer and performance artist
who most recently wrote a zine called 'Off the GRID' about the AIDS Healthcare
Foundation lawsuit against the LA porn industry.
Annie Sprinkle has 38 years of experience in sexually oriented entertainment, education, and art. She worked as a prostitute and porn star for twenty years, and was a player in the 80’s sex positive feminist movement. She evolved into an internationally acclaimed performance artist whose work is studied in many Universities. Sprinkle became the first US porn star to earn a Ph.D..Today she is an out “ecosexual,” committed to making the environmental movement more sexy, fun and diverse. Annie and her partner/collaborator, artist Elizabeth Stephens, are currently organizing an Ecosex Manifesto Art Exhibit & Ecosex Symposium II, June 17-19 in San Francisco. www.sexecology.org
Tara Burns is a former hobo stripper currently manifesting as an ecowhore. One part hermit and one part hobo, she lives in the wilderness, whores in the city, and does strange things on the internet. You can find her at ecowhore.com
Koyama is a longtime sex worker activist from Portland, which was recently
nicknamed “Pornland, Oregon” by Dan Rather because the city
ranked second among dozens of cities that participated in FBI’s
nationwide three-day search for minors engaging in prostitution. But
a larger body of evidence shows that this characterization of Portland
is highly questionable—and it is one of the myths that Koyama thoroughly
disputes in her blog (http://eminism.org/blog)
and other publications and presentations. She is also a member of the
recently formed national collective of sex workers of color and indigenous
sex workers resisting state violence.
Sardina (Co-director, Desiree Alliance) In 2010 Desiree Alliance transitioned
leadership, selecting the first trans woman of color and myself. We
are reconstructing the organization to working towards a full social
justice sex workers rights organization. Through this discussion on social
justice we will explore the intersection of the sex workers movement
and social justice framework.
Miss Major (TGI Justice Project) Miss Major is a formerly incarcerated,
transgender elder, an activist and advocate in her community for over
forty years, mentoring and empowering many of todays transgender leaders.
Miss Major was at the Stonewall uprisings in '69, and became politicized
in the aftermath at Attica. She has worked at HIV/AIDS organizations
throughout California.
in the SOMArts garden (under the freeway). Very San Francisco!