Web promo and posting campaign


Dear Friends,

We are very excited to announce the 2013 8th Biennial San Francisco Sex Worker Film and Arts Festival. The 2013 Festival includes over a week of fun, sexy, political, kinky, naughty, bold and educational events. Browse our website to learn about all the amazing events.

Some of you from far away (and even close by) were looking for a way to volunteer. Here is the easy, fun job of spreading the word on the web...all ready to go and easy for you with the instructions below:

Blurbs, long and short descriptions of events and the festival as a whole is posted for you to draw from, along with pictures to download and post. Look a this page below first to discover what is there. You may want to download some of the images to you computer by dragging them off my webpage so you will be able to post them around. I also posted my faves at the bottom of this page for your convienence. But if you look you at this page below, you can see where all the pictures and descriptions are.

Press Release, Blurbs and Photos:-This page has all the information you will be posting.This takes you to the individual event listings. I want to emphasize these because they are time consuming. Each event must be entered separately!

A. Email
swfest@bayswan.org and let us know you are going to do this. Then I can add your address so you have access to the Google Doc below, THE WEB POSTING CHART-GOOGLE DOC. You need access to that to see the calnedars and to keep notes on your work.


This is for you to keep a record of where you post because others will be working on it at the same time, so every couple of hours (or more) update it please.


Email to register at these calendars and post from: swfestpost@gmail.com
Password to get into that email:(we will email this) I noticed that you can't really sign into this account from far away. Google seems to block that, but use it to register at calendars. You might find we already are signed up from last year.

This way I can get back into those if I need to make changes. It is a group account so I will be giving others that email and password.

B. Again, follow this link and use the materials posted on it. (Check back for changes as I will be updating it.)

Press Release, Blurbs and Photos:

C. We are making Facebook pages, but we can still use a bigger campaign if you know how. We are tweeting at sexworkerfest, but you can also tweet and retweet, please. Do follow us. But other than facebook, you can start with any announcement boards and calendars.

You should all be will being posting updates at this Google doc about where we have posted this, so two people aren't doing the same thing. (If you don't use the google doc, I can post a list for you of what has been covered.) PLUS THERE ARE CALENDAR SUGGESTIONS ON THAT GOOGLE DOC)


* One note that isn't clear that you may encouter...the calendars want a location for the fest, but we have many. Ideally, you can just put "San Francisco" or "multiple locations," for the whole festival. Otherwise list the Center for Sex & Culture, 1349 Mission St, SF, CA 94103 for the whole festival. Otherwise locations are listed on most of the events.

If you would rather not use Gooogle docs to document what you did, just email us at swfest@bayswan.org with:

1. Name of calendar
2. Url of calendar
3. Date posted
4. What you posted (whole fest or which events)
5. Our Username and password so we can make changes. You can get into this account. THIS IS ESSENTIAL. WE MUST HAVE ACCESS TO THESE LISTINGS TO MAKE CHANGES, SO YOU SHOULD USE OUR EMAIL ADDRESS AND PASSWORD (Which we will provide)
6. Any notes you have for us, if you do.


Thanks sooooo much!
Please call or email us at swfest@bayswan.org if you have questions.
415-751-1659 Carol


If you are posting this info on the web, below are additional documents and items for you to download and upload to various websites.


List of calendars:
I don't have a list of calendars, but this article introduces some places to post.
http://websearch.about.com/od/dailywebsearchtips/qt/dnt0424.htm (old)
I ask you to do your own research and add it to our page. Others will be doing this and I will add them on the google doc so that we don't repeat ourselves.

Calendar Listings (old)

I would like to find a nice small events calendar to insert on our pages, if you find an attractive option.


Direct links to 'Individual events' or 'whole festival' release.

All Event Details listed

General Media Release

Schedule-Just FYI

These should be the right size..they shrink them automatically if needed usually. JUST DRAG THEM TO YOUR DESKTOP AND POST FROM THERE.

If you need web addresses they are below the picture






