Dear Friends and Supporters,
We so much appreciate your donation to the San Francsico Bay Area Sex Worker Film & Arts Festival!
You can onate to us through Paypal all year (above) or through Fundly (below) during the Festival season.
Donate to the San Francisco Bay Area Sex Worker Festival through Fundly!
More About Our Fundraising Efforts
The festival is primarily run by volunteer labor but we offer stipends to artists and producers for their work. We also go "Beyond NOTAFLOF" to offer unlimited scholarships to current and former sex workers. We also offer Special Guest Passes for our communities. Your donation supports attendance by the broadest range of sex workers and our friends and communities. Your donation helps us support sex worker artists, producers and presenters to keep this cultural festival going, as it has been since 1999.
Given the stigma and status of sex work, it is difficult to fund through foundations and grants. Although we have some wonderful donors and sponsors, the festival can often cost close to and sometimes more than we take in.
Any amount, no matter what, will be greatly appreciated! We really appreciate small amounts, just to know you are there!
Tax deductible Donations
If you are donating a larger amount and would prefer to make a tax deductible donation, please email swfest@bayswan.org
Program Archives
For info about past festivals click here or browse our past Sex Worker Festival Archives.
Love and condoms,
The Sex Worker Fest