COVID-19: Impact and responses from sex workers and marginalised communities in Europe

This event looks at how sex workers, undocumented migrants and people facing homelessness in Europe have been impacted by the coronavirus crisis and how they have organised in response.

We have all seen the coronavirus pandemic exacerbate existing economic and social inequalities across Europe. Sex workers in particular have experienced a dramatic impact on their living conditions, including on the ability to earn a living and to access healthcare. Community-led organisations have had to fill the
gaps in health services, protecting sex workers and their families from the risk of COVID-19, HIV and STIs, all while supporting their safety and security.

The discussion delves into the wide-ranging impacts of the coronavirus crisis on sex workers in Europe, while also asking – what has been effective and what is still needed?

Featuring speakers from ICRSE, Amnesty International, FEANTSA (European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless), PICUM (Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants), ACCEPTESS-T and UTSOPI (TBC).
This session will be conducted in English and will be live captioned.

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