Sex Work & Mental Health (Online event by ESWA and NUM)

Read the briefing paper:

Sign the petition:

From briefing paper:” The issue of sex work and mental health is complex. Sex workers, like many other individuals, and in particular marginalised groups, may suffer from mental health issues. Mental health issues can arise from previous or parallel causes that are not related to sex work as well as from sex work and the context in which it happens. The issue of mental health has been long used by the anti-sex work movement to sustain the rhetoric that sex work causes mental health issues and should therefore be banned, while sex workers and their clients need to “recover” from the inherent harm of sex work.”

Video info:

ESWA is pleased to invite you to its event on Sex Work and Mental Health organized in partnership with National Ugly Mugs (London, UK). This event will launch the resources developed during the program on sex work and mental health, funded by ILGA Europe, as well as community research led by Dr PG Macioti, Dr Giulia Garofao Geymonat and Professor Nicola Mai. It will also showcase community-led initiatives on mental health. More information about the program below:

🕚11-12 (CET) Facilitation: Dr Raven Bowen, CEO, National Ugly Mugs, London, UK – Presentation of the research carried out by PG Macioti ➡️ Dr PG Macioti, Dr Giulia Garofalo Geymonat – Presentation of the background document and toolkit on sex work and mental health, ESWA ➡️ Jules James ❓ Questions and answers❔ 🕛12:15 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. (CET) Facilitation: Rosie Hodson, Executive Assistant (Marketing and Communications), National Ugly Mugs, London, UK – National Ugly Mugs, London, United Kingdom ➡️ Georges – Project “Acute trauma assistance”, Hydra, Berlin➡️ Nadja Zillken (to be confirmed) – Acceptess-T, Paris, France & Trans United Europe➡️ Sabrina Sanchez 🗣️Discussion💭 We strongly encourage people involved in a community sex work and mental health project to come and talk about their project during the discussion✊ It is a place to learn from each other and exchange best practices💡

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