Born Into Porn

Director/Producer Miki Ann Mosman; Editor Corey Michael Smithson

Family Values. Pornography. One would be hard-pressed to find two terms seemingly more at odds, and yet of course many of the people in the adult-film industry are husband and wives, and opt to raise a family. Are these families ‘dysfunctional’ ‘normal,’ or even mundane? How do the career choices of the parents impact the children? Born Into Porn delves into the complex dynamic that exists behind the scenes once the cameras have turned off and the porn stars have gone home. It is not a sensational look at the private lives of these performers, but rather an in-depth exploration of the issues faced by the parents and children, both with each other and the world outside, as well as an examination of 21st century cultural mores in a society where pornography has become both ubiquitous and polarizing.

Director/ Producer Miki Ann Mosman began her career as a journalist. Ultimately her penchant and passion for people the people she encountered, inspired a new career as a filmmaker. Part of her ongoing series, The Sex Puzzle. / 58 minutes / 2014 / US

Other Works

December 17th
The Malak
Making Sex Work
Happy Endings