Remember the Living: Monica Forrester on Sisters in Spirit and Indigenous Sex Workers

Maggie’s: Toronto Sex Workers Action Project
9:46 min.-2012, Toronto
Monica Forrester is a 2 Spirited Trans Woman, a sex worker with 25 years experience and an award winning community leader. In this short DIY documentary film, she shares her reflections on the over 500 missing and murdered Aboriginal women in Canada and the impact of anti-sex work laws and stigma. This film remembers the 2 Spirited and Indigenous women who have died prematurely due to all forms of violence, the work they do and just being Aboriginal. As community members, families and allies, we must work to remember the living as well.

Other Works

Transsexual Dominitrix with Shawna Virago
Cinema Of Desire
Last Rescue in Siam
Scarlet Road (trailer)

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